In 2012 Ridley Scott returned to the Alien universe, looking to answer the question “who the hell is the space jockey?” The result, Prometheus, divided audiences that came to theaters expecting a straight forward prequel to Alien but instead found Scott ...
In 2012 Ridley Scott returned to the Alien universe, looking to answer the question “who the hell is the space jockey?” The result, Prometheus, divided audiences that came to theaters expecting a straight forward prequel to Alien but instead found Scott in a more contemplative mood. Set in the same world as Scott’s masterpiece, Prometheus explores creation myths and asks if science and faith must be mutually exclusive from one another. The end result is a movie that asks more questions than it cares to answer but still leaves the viewer with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the 1979 sci-fi horror masterpiece. This week Mike and Jerry are joined by first time guest Danielle Ryan (@danirat) and the returning Alienverse expert Lindsay Traves (@smashtraves) for a deep dive into the movie.
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